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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Safari 3.2

Apple's Safari web browser was voted the third-best free download, after iTunes and QuickTime. Safari is Apple's one and only web browser, with great features such as RSS, Autofill, and an outstanding user interface. It is supported mainly for the 10 top reasons stated on the Apple Website.

1. Blazing performance - Safari is the world's fastest web browser on any platform

2. Elegant user interface - Safari's clean, simple interface does nothing to fall short of Apple's easy-to-use standards

3. Easy Bookmarks - Organize bookmarks and favorites into folders and sub-folders for easy access

4. Pop-up Blocking - With Safari, say good-bye to those annoying pop-up ads and windows

5. Find - Locate any phrase of text on any page using Safari's Find banner

6. Tabbed Browsing - With the use of tabs, Safari eliminates the possibility of a cluttered screen

7. SnapBack - use SnapBack to go back in an instant to search results or the top level of a website

8. Forms Autofill - automatically fill in forms using private data recorded once, and only once, in Safari's settings.

9. Built-in RSS - receive notices when all your favorite sites get updated

10. Security - Safari is enforced with high-level security to protect your privacy

Price: $0.00
Shipping time: Now